俥倎們倳倢倲倷丂俢倕倴倕倢倧倫倣倕値t 島墘夛


乬丂俹倰倧倐倢倕倣-俛倎倱倕倓 俴倕倎倰値倝値倗, 倲倛倕 倕倖倖倕們倲倝倴倕
丂丂倣倕倲倛倧倓 倧倖 倣倕倓倝們倎倢 倕倓倳們倎倲倝倧値丆乭

- 俶倧倲 倛倎倰倣倖倳倢 倲倧 倕倴倕値 倲倛倧倱倕 倵倛倧 倗倧 倲倧 倰倕倱倕倎倰們倛 倝n 倖倳倲倳倰倕-

Program Advisor, Office of Medical Education
擔丂帪丂丗暯惉 侾俈擭 俁寧 俈擔乮寧乯18丗00乣19丗30
応丂強丂丗崅抦戝妛堛妛晹 椪彴戞俁島媊幒

  • Meet our international program faculty
  • Mitsuaki "Skip" Suzuki, MD, PhD Clinical Associate Professor, Program Advisor (mskipsuzuki@aol.com)
  • Mitsuaki "Skip" Suzuki MD, PhD, F.A.A.P., closed his 30 year Honolulu practice in Pediatrics and Pediatric Nephrology in 2003, then joined Office of Medical Education as a program advisor.
  • He graduated from Keio Medical School in Tokyo, Japan, and received postgraduate training in Japan and U.S. . He was awarded a PhD for his research work in biochemistry at Keio and then settled in Hawaii. Since then, he has been in clinical faculty in Pediatrics at Hawaii's John A. Burns School of Medicine and currently holds the title, clinical associate professor.

Office of Medical Education

John A Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii at Manoa

  • He is interested in cross cultural medical matters and is quite receptive to the needs of medical students and physicians visiting Hawaii from Japan.
    Being fully bilingual in medical Japanese and English, he has contributed significantly to our ability to understand and communicate. For example, he developed and directed our first cross-cultural medical seminar, "Learning from the Differences" in June 2004. The seminar was well received by local speakers and 15 participants who traveled from Japan.
  • He is currently working with Rotary Clubs in Japan to develop a grass-root campaign to eradicate measles in that country.


嫟嵜丗 崅抦戝妛堛妛晹堛妛壢
丂丂 婇夋丒栤崌偣丗

庮釃嬊強惂屼妛乮奜壢1乯 彫椦 摴栫 (撪慄2732)
姶愼暘巕昦懺妛丂丂丂丂丂丂崱堜 復夘

丂丂丂丂<-- 栠傞