
188足球直播_篮球比分¥体育官网概要2013 page 5/72


このページは 188足球直播_篮球比分¥体育官网概要2013 の電子ブックに掲載されている5ページの概要です。

Outline of KOCHI University 2013 3● 学長挨拶 はじめにはじめに組織?役員等学部?大学院学内共同教育研究施設等教職員?学生国際交流地域連携財務キャンパスThe National University Corporation KochiUnivers....

Outline of KOCHI University 2013 3● 学長挨拶 はじめにはじめに組織?役員等学部?大学院学内共同教育研究施設等教職員?学生国際交流地域連携財務キャンパスThe National University Corporation KochiUniversity was established on the principlethat, in accordance with ‘the spirit of theFundamental Law of Education’, we wouldpromote the development of research,and foster human resources that would beable to contribute to both local and internationalcommunities. We believe that educationand research are the proper functionsof the university. Moreover, it is clear thatinnovation to meet the social needs of thetimes in which we live is necessary. Havingbecome incorporated organizations, nationaluniversities are now being required toinitiate their own reforms and contribute tosociety than ever, so as to meet more fullythe needs of today. Kochi University is noexception. We face a new era of continuousreinvigoration through our own efforts.Kochi University, which has a secure foundationin the local community, is developinginto a strategic knowledge base byserving as a hub for unique and creativeresearch and for the dissemination of scholarship.What is now required of us at homeand abroad is to promote student-orientatededucation, and to facilitate students’autonomous learning. We must empower ourstudents to acquire knowledge and valuesthat broaden their horizons, both nationallyand internationally, and help them preparefor their roles in society. We can achievethis by promoting research dedicated toenhancing our contribution to societythrough collaboration with industry.Now is the time for us at Kochi Universityto take careful note of society’s demandfor innovation and CHANGE, to view this asa CHANCE ? or a great opportunity ? forfurther development. And furthermore, weare CREATING a new university suited tothe 21st century by accepting willingly theCHALLENGE. The university’s duty is thedevelopment and transmission of knowledgehanded down through generations. By promotinginternationally recognised academicresearch activities which aim to make acontribution to the local community, andby enhancing student-orientated education,we will continue our endeavours to developfuture leaders of both local and internationalcommunities.I wish to appeal to you to continue to giveus your wholehearted support and cooperation.