
188足球直播_篮球比分¥体育官网概要2013 page 7/72


このページは 188足球直播_篮球比分¥体育官网概要2013 の電子ブックに掲載されている7ページの概要です。

Outline of KOCHI University 2013 5はじめに組織?役員等学部?大学院学内共同教育研究施設等教職員?学生国際交流地域連携財務キャンパス● 理念?基本目標 はじめにKochi University's General ObjectivesKochi....

Outline of KOCHI University 2013 5はじめに組織?役員等学部?大学院学内共同教育研究施設等教職員?学生国際交流地域連携財務キャンパス● 理念?基本目標 はじめにKochi University's General ObjectivesKochi University has a philosophy of promoting education and research activities comprehesively in its localitywith full regard to the aim of producing“ harmonious coexistence of all human beings and their environment”(henceforth “enviroment-humanity harmony”)thereby establishing a society that can endure on such a basis.In education, we aim to produce professionals with profound knowledge of a wide range of fi elds. In reseach,we promote academic investigations in a wide range of fi elds, especially taking advantage of the specialfeatures of the Kuroshio (Black Current) Region, which runs from South East Asia to Japan and having as itscenter the Kochi Prefecture.Thus we aim to contribute to the solutions of various problems of the local communities, and to present theresults to the rest or the world. To that end, we pursue the following basic objectives.1. EducationKochi University aims to produce scholars with general knowledge of a wide range of fi elds along withextensive and practical ability in individually chosen major fi elds of study and able to contribute to thehealthy development of local and international communities.One of our most important aims among our Mid-term Objectives will be research on various problemsand issues faced by the local communities seeking solutions to them on the basis of the philosophy of“environment-humanity harmony”.To that end, we propose to nurture in the undergraduate programmes general knowledge of the humanities,the social sciences, the natural sciences and life sciences combined with thorough practical effectivenessin single major fields of study. We also aim to nurture personal, social and international awarenessqualities that are indispensable for all their careers. At the graduate level, we aim to nurture knowledge,skills and abilities in self and expression to the highest international standards in each fi eld of study.2. ResearchKochi University aims to promote pioneering, creative, and internationally competitive research, takingfull advantage of the important locality of the Kochi Prefecture, South Shikoku and the Kuroshio Region,to extend the benefi ts of the results of our research to the rest of the country, and by so doing extend themto local and neighbouring communities and to international society at large.For example, we will promote research aimed at the protection of nature and the environment as well asat the improvement of people's safety, health and quality of life.Activities are organized as follows: (1) Projects conducted at specific research bases, (2) Projectsconducted in the fi elds of Natural Sciences, the Humanities and Social Sciences, Medicine, and MultipleSciences, and (3) Organized research conducted at Science Research Center and the Center of AdvancedMarine Core Center, etc. We aim to promote extended exchanges between researchers and the continuousraising of standards in research.3. Community Link and InternationalizationKochi University will establish its foundation as an indispensable resource for the local communitiesthrough our teaching staff and students, and by providing varied sources of information always enhancingand developing our contribution to the local communities centering around the Kochi Prefecture.We aim to avail our educational and research results to countries in Asia and the Pacific Region,especially to developing communities making benefi cial contributions to international wellbeing. We alsoaim to promote international exchanges between our local communities and other nations. We aim not onlyto promote internationalization but also to contribute to the activation of our local communities.Mission Statement Five skills to contribute to society!Four Cs to send out a message fromKochi to the world!Chanceto nurture individuals who are committed to improving theirskills in today's society where lack of communication andinterpersonal skills, imbalance of rights and responsibilities, andlack of ethical sense and consideration for others are causingincreasing concern in society.Challengeto produce mature, vital, socially adept individuals.Changeto offer 5 skills (skills for self-expression, presentation, communication,intercultural communication, and information analysis) through variousactivities such as comprehesive or specialized curriculums, extracurricularactivities, or internships.Createto produce individuals who are able to make a creative, intellectualcontribution to society.「5つの能力で社会の力に!4つのCで高知から世界へ!!」Chance人間関係を作る力など社会性の不足や権利と責任のバランスの喪失、規範意識の希薄化、あるいは他人への思いやりの不足が叫ばれている中、自らの能力向上にむけ、たゆまぬ努力を惜しまない人材を育成します。Challenge人間性、社会性に富み、活力ある人材の育成を目指します。Change教養教育、専門教育や正課外教育あるいはインターンシップを通じて5つの能力 (表現力、プレゼンテーション能力、コミュニケーション能力、     異文化理解能力、情報活用能力)を身に付けさせます。Create21世紀の知識創造社会で活躍できる人材を輩出します。キャッチフレーズ Catchphrase