

このページは pht-kochidaigakugaiyou2017_h2906_20170710_00 の電子ブックに掲載されている40ページの概要です。



38 Outline of KOCHI University 2017 はじめに組織?役員等学部?大学院学内共同教育研究施設等教職員?学生国際交流地域連携財務キャンパス教職員?学生 ● 学部卒業者数卒業者?修了者数 Number of Graduates (Bachelor, Master's, Doctoral)学部 Faculties卒業の年度Academic Year of Graduation学部Faculties平成28年度2015 Academic Year平成27年度までの累計Total up to 2014合  計Total男Men女Women計Sub-Total男Men女Women計Sub-Total男Men女Women計Sub-Total人文学部Faculty ofHumanitiesand Economics文学科Department of Literature614 920 1,534 614 920 1,534人文学科Department of Humanities282 589 871 282 589 871経済学科Department of Economics2,270 543 2,813 2,270 543 2,813人間文化学科Department of Human Culture27 62 89 475 1,006 1,481 502 1,068 1,570国際社会コミュニケーション学科Department of International Studies21 69 90 320 991 1,311 341 1,060 1,401社会経済学科Department of Economics and Social Sciences67 52 119 1,070 819 1,889 1,137 871 2,008計Sub-Total115 183 298 5,031 4,868 9,899 5,146 5,051 10,197教育学部Faculty ofEducation小学校教員養成課程Teacher Training Course for Elementary School1,573 2,088 3,661 1,573 2,088 3,661中学校教員養成課程Teacher Training Course for Junior High School1,406 1,110 2,516 1,406 1,110 2,516養護学校教員養成課程Teacher Training Course for School for Children with Mental Challenges142 446 588 142 446 588特別教科(美術?工芸)教員養成課程Teacher Training Course in Teaching of Special Subjects(Arts and Crafts)286 466 752 286 466 752特別教科(保健体育)教員養成課程Teacher Training Course in Teaching of Special Subjects(Health and Physical Education)671 266 937 671 266 937総合科学課程Interdisciplinary Science185 178 363 185 178 363学校教育教員養成課程Teacher Training Division61 41 102 670 880 1,550 731 921 1,652生涯教育課程Lifelong Education Division25 46 71 367 732 1,099 392 778 1,170計Sub-Total86 87 173 5,300 6,166 11,466 5,386 6,253 11,639理学部Faculty ofScience数学科Department of Mathematics662 159 821 662 159 821物理学科Department of Physics766 45 811 766 45 811化学科Department of Chemistry544 266 810 544 266 810生物学科Department of Biology453 250 703 453 250 703地学科Department of Geology489 148 637 489 148 637情報科学科Department of Information Science273 66 339 273 66 339数理情報科学科Department of Mathematics and Information Science604 129 733 604 129 733物質科学科Department of Materials Science538 236 774 538 236 774自然環境科学科Department of Natural Environmental Science598 304 902 598 304 902理学科Department of Natural Science125 42 167 679 251 930 804 293 1,097応用理学科Department of Applied Science61 36 97 398 209 607 459 245 704計Sub-Total186 78 264 6,004 2,063 8,067 6,190 2,141 8,331医学部MedicalSchool医学科Medical Course68 47 115 2,160 995 3,155 2,228 1,042 3,270看護学科Nursing Course10 56 66 99 924 1,023 109 980 1,089計Sub-Total78 103 181 2,259 1,919 4,178 2,337 2,022 4,359