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Outline of KOCHI University 2017 3● 学長挨拶 はじめにはじめに組織?役員等学部?大学院学内共同教育研究施設等教職員?学生国際交流地域連携財務キャンパスPresident Hiroshi Wakiguchi, KochiUniversityNati onal University Corporati onKochi UniversityKochi University was established as a NationalUniversity Corporation on the principle that, in accordancewith Japan’s Fundamental Law of Education,it would promote the development of research andfoster individuals who can contribute to both localand international communities. Under the sloganFrom Regionality to Globality and from Globalityto Regionality , and based on a philosophy of locallyrelevant decision-making and regional communitycollaboration, we aim to help develop a safe, sustainablesociety where people live in harmony with theenvironment.We affirm our principle of comprehensive generaleducation and regional collaborative education, andto encourage students’ active learning throughouttheir studies for graduation theses, and to produceprofessionals who boast negotiation and problemsolvingcapabilities. Taking advantage of the specialfeatures of the Kuroshio Region , our research activitiesare centered around human society, the ocean,the environment and life science , and we now add asfurther cornerstones of our research ocean resourcescience and disaster risk management .Kochi University has selected contribution to theregions as its unique feature. Our major task ineducation and research is human resource developmentthrough creation and inheritance of knowledge .We also promote regional and social collaborationwith Kochi Prefecture by applying the results of oureducation and research. In keeping with our mottoof regional and social collaboration, we promoteabove all: our TOSA Human Resource DevelopmentProject for Food Business Creators (TOSA FBC II) ;our Center of Community Project (COC) and RegionalRevitalization Project (COC+); and our compulsoryeducation modules on regional collaboration. Thesehave all been highly rated by society at large.Kochi University is currently undergoing restructuringin order to make the most of our special featuresand functions. In 2015, we established the Faculty ofRegional Collaboration , with compulsory courses thatrequire students to undergo more than 600 hours ofon-site training in various areas of Kochi Prefecture.The Faculty of Education has undergone renewalto focus on teacher training. In 2016, the Facultyof Humanities and Social Sciences was renovatedto offer a wide variety of general and specializedcourses in the humanities and social sciences, andthe Faculty of Agriculture and Marine Science hasbeen reestablished to include comprehensive andmultidisciplinary education and research on forestryand marine sciences. This year we established theFaculty of Science and Technology , which aims tomerge theoretical scientifi c thought and its practicalapplication in technology, the first of its kind inJapan. Through these endeavours we have laid thefoundations to strengthen our education and researchby exploiting the unique features of Kochi, andproducing professionals who can serve GLOCALLY insociety.We are determined to promote our teamwork ofteachers, administrators and students, enhance ourcollaboration with regional communities, and achieveoutstanding education and research with sincere dedication.I look forward to your ongoing and wholeheartedsupport and cooperation.