

このページは pht-kochidaigakugaiyou2017_h2906_20170710_00 の電子ブックに掲載されている7ページの概要です。



Outline of KOCHI University 2017 5はじめに組織?役員等学部?大学院学内共同教育研究施設等教職員?学生国際交流地域連携財務キャンパス● 理念?基本目標 はじめにPrinciplesWith the agreement of the Japanese people and in accordance with the Fundamental Law of Education, KochiUniversity shall promote the development of opportunities for learning and research and the production ofhuman resources.Kochi University's General ObjectivesKochi University, located between the Shikoku Mountains and the Nankai Trough, is a comprehensive universityoffering education and research under the slogan From Regionality to Globality and from Globality toRegionality . Based on a philosophy of local, relevant decision-making and regional community collaboration,we aim to help develop a safe, sustainable society where people live in harmony with the environment.We strengthen our principle of comprehensive education through regional collaboration and by producingprofessionals who boast profound problem-solving capabilities. Based on the special features of the KuroshioRegion , our international education and published research contribute both to regional communities andinternational society.To that end, we can state the following fundamental objectives.1. EducationWe aim to realize comprehensive general education by helping students to acquire both specializedknowledge in their diploma area and diversified ways of thinking in multi-disciplinary fields, therebyproducing individuals who can contribute to the development of society with fl exible, transferable skills.Our special responsibility as the only national university in Kochi Prefecture is to provide multidisciplinaryeducation in regionality, ocean studies, disaster risk management and medicine, thereby developingindividuals who can contribute to regional communities and activities.2. ResearchOur research will be centered around human society, the ocean, the environment and life science, providingbenefi ts to regional communities including practical disaster risk management.We also aim at the promotion of academic exchanges, including multidisciplinary exchanges, within andacross universities, especially among those in the Kuroshio Region .3. Regional Collaboration and GlobalizationWe strengthen our system of regional research collaboration, so as to solve regional problems bothsystematically and fl exibly. This is in keeping with our responsibility as an indispensable resource for theregional communities here.We prioritize our relations with countries in the Asia-Pacifi c region, utilizing our special regional resourcesthroughout our international education and research collaborations.Our overarching principle is to develop GLOCAL Education and Research , offering to the world ourregionally generated research products and in turn applying the benefi ts of global trends to our regionalcommunities.Mission Statement Five skills to contribute to society!Four Cs to send out a message fromKochi to the world!Chanceto nurture individuals who are committed to improving theirskills in today's society where lack of communication andinterpersonal skills, imbalance of rights and responsibilities, andlack of ethical sense and consideration for others are causingincreasing concern in society.Challengeto produce mature, vital, socially adept individuals.Changeto offer 5 skills (skills for self-expression, presentation, communication,intercultural communication, and information analysis) through variousactivities such as comprehesive or specialized curriculums, extracurricularactivities, or internships.Createto produce individuals who are able to make a creative, intellectualcontribution to society.「5つの能力で社会の力に!4つのCで高知から世界へ!!」Chance人間関係を作る力など社会性の不足や権利と責任のバランスの喪失、規範意識の希薄化、あるいは他人への思いやりの不足が叫ばれている中、自らの能力向上にむけ、たゆまぬ努力を惜しまない人材を育成します。Challenge人間性、社会性に富み、活力ある人材の育成を目指します。Change教養教育、専門教育や正課外教育あるいはインターンシップを通じて5つの能力 (表現力、プレゼンテーション能力、コミュニケーション能力、     異文化理解能力、情報活用能力)を身に付けさせます。Create21世紀の知識創造社会で活躍できる人材を輩出します。キャッチフレーズ Catchphrase