Interactions between human activities and invertebrate communities in aquatic landscapes
A fundamental question in modern day ecology is how ecosystem structure and functioning changes as a result of human activities. Different species occupy different habitats and human activities also vary among locations within a landscape. In this seminar, I will use 3 case studies to illustrate the spatial aspects of the interaction between invertebrate communities and human activities.
In a first case study, I used machine learning techniques to classify habitats of mangrove crabs based on extensive photographic field surveys. This allowed me to visualise the effects of anthropogenic habitat modification on mangrove crab community composition and food web functioning.
A second case study models the distribution of invertebrates occupying river locations under influence of different natural and human factors across the whole of Switzerland. A multiple species distribution model was developed which explicitly integrates existing knowledge regarding ecological preferences and sensitivities to human disturbance, by using Bayesian statistical inference.
As a final case study, I will discuss my current research at Kochi University. This research focuses on the selective impacts of micro乚plastic pollution on crab communities as a result of their habitat and feeding preferences.