Our department’s mission is to treat, teach and research the broad filed in the neurology, including Parkinson’s disease, atypical parkinsonism, multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica, myasthenia gravis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, chronic inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy, spino-cerebellar degenerations, neuropathy, myositis, epilepsy, migraine, and stroke. The staffs are well educated, knowledgeable and talented in the neurology on the top of the ability on the general internal medicine. In both the ward and the outpatient clinic, the senior staff physicians teach the young doctors as well as trainees to see and treat the patients with their specialised knowledge and skills. All the senior physicians had medical doctors degree.
General Patient Information
It is well known that most of the neurologic conditions that we are facing are difficult to cure, and most of them do not have essential effective treatment. It is an urgent need to develop essential treatment or preventive medicine for the neurologic conditions for the sake of the patient to live a normal healthy life.
We have studied and searched the pathogenesis of motor complications and non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease, the assessment methods with postural instability, the methods to prevent falling, the relationship between dementia and functional neuroimaging. In PSP, CBD and MSA, we have many experiences with autonomic function tests and neuropsychological batteries and functional imaging to seek early diagnosis. Besides the accurate early diagnosis, the earlier treatment introduction is warranted.
In MS and NMO, we have interpret cerebrospinal fluid tests, MRI scans, the autoantibodies, electromyographic examinations, and introduce the best treatment during the acute phase and the best preventive medicines. In ALS and MG, we daily undergo the best medical treatment. In demetias, we examine patients profoundly and a list of neuroimaging to offer the best treatment.
Thanks to the collaborations with the neighbourhood doctors, we already have received many referrals. We treat the patients during the acute phase. Of course, many of the patients need to maintain the ongoing treatment and rehabilitations. Occasionally, we ask the neighbourhood doctors to keep drip infusion therapy in a proper schedule for months or years. In medicine, the treatment without time gap supported by the tight collaboration leads to better practice. We are pleased to all referrals. Please do not hesitate to ask us if you have any problems in patients with neurologic problem. We will solve the problem together.
Our favorite word is to see patients, to face patients honestly, and to seek the best practice. We repeat this whenever we see patients. Then, we will find the proper purpose of the medical research. To think what we shall do next will be the earliest way to achieve the best answer. Our purpose is to provide good practice as well as to do good research. We sincerely appreciate the all warm collaborations we have received, and hopefully we will receive further fruitful collaborations to build the best practice to seek our prosperous future.