Message from the Dean
We have been admitting students for over 40 years since the foundation of Kochi Medical University, the predecesor of Kochi Medical School, in 1976. With the establishment of the Nursing Course in 1998, Kochi Medical School has nurtured and development over thousands of doctors, nurses, public health nurses, and midwives. By2021, the number of student enrollment has grown to 3,822 at Medical Course and 1,421 at Nursing Course. After integrating with the former Kochi University in 2003, it became approved as an independent administrative instituion the following year and is now known as Kochi Medical School, National University Corporation Kochi University.
Kochi Medical School inherited two founding philosophies from its predecessor: “Revere the Divine, Love Humanity” and “Search for Truth.” Combined together, these phrases express that a medical professional should always respect the universe and seek the truth while practicing compassion towards the patients in front of them. Our school has the desire to cultivate physicians who have an authentic and conscientious attitudes as both human beings and medical professionals. An ideal medial professional should incourporate both medical treatment and medical science as one, coexisting in harmony like how human beings are composed of both the mind and body as one.
Medical treatment involves a combination of both medical science and the practitioner's attitude toward the patient. William Osler once stated that “The practice of medicine is an art, based on science.” At Kochi Medical School, a National University Corporation, we aim to fortify the twin pillars of modern and advanced medicine—in other words, art and science. While modern and advanced medicine may appear incongruous at first glance, the treatment we implement is based on utilizing the latest and most advanced medical knowledge and providing the utmost best service to patients. As we strive to find optimal treatments for our patients, we may encounter clinical obstacles which then become the potential seeds of medical research. Diligent execution is required for the advancement of both medical science and treatment, and our Kochi Medical School and hospital is where this takes place.
The Center for Innovative and Translational Medicine (CITM), in cooperation with researchers and medical students, has been playing a leading role in promoting creative and forward-looking research and technological development in medical sicence and treatment. Here, students in their second through fourth year can learn about medical research hands-on in a real lab setting in our advanced medical science courses. By immersing students in current medical research, that generates new knowledge rather than pre-prepared lab exercises, students have the opportunity to obtain valuable new discoveries. It is essential that students learn the scientific principles behind the treatments they will administer in the future. Once one graduates and enters the medical field an a doctor and encounter limitations in various medical treatments, one can always return to our graduate school program to acquire further knowledge to develop new skills for overcoming limitations. We cultivate leaders who will be instrumental in changing the future of medical treatment through our offered MD-PhD course, Master of Public Health (MPH)course and Innovative Medicine courses where students can learn about clinical research and the tools to solve medical treatment challenges.
Our nationally renowned Family Medicine Training Program is where students can study the health of local residents and learn the variations between primary care (treatment at facilities within communities), secondary care (treatment at regional medical centers), and tertiary care (treatment at medical school hospitals). The art of medically examining patients is conducted in a wide range of treatment settings (from primary care facilities to advanced treatment centers). We foster the development of medical professionals who can provide treatment in various settings.
Making a 40-year milestone, we are now transitioning to a period of sophisticaion. Kochi Medical School will continue to cultivate individuals who are well-versed in medical treatment, able to generate new treatments based on forefront medical science, and modern medicine to solve medical issues occurring throughout the world.