崅抦戝妛 堛妛晹 奜壢妛島嵗 奜壢1
ATTD 2012 YEARBOOK 偵宖嵹偝傟傑偟偨
Mibu K, Yatabe T, Hanazaki K
Blood glucose control using an artificial pancreas reduces the workload of ICU nurses.
J Artif Organs 15(1)丗71-76 (2012)
偑庢傝忋偘傜傟偰偄傑偡丅偙偺杮偺 Preface 偵偼 乬The best and most
influential articles published in the previous year were selected and put into
perspective by renowned specialists from their respective fieds.乭 偲側偭偰偄
傑偡丅側偍宖嵹偼 ATTD 2012 Yearbook, 4th edition, M. Phillip and T. Battelino
eds, Mary Ann Liebert (USA), pp67-69丅