公開日 2023年8月29日
On August 29 (Tue) and August 30 (Wed), 2023, Dr. Satoshi Kubota visited Tanjungpura University, where Dr. Yeni Mariani and Dr. Fathul Yusro, alumni of the Kuroshio Science Program, belong. On August 29 (Tue), after visiting Dr. Garuda Wiko, Rector of the University of Tanjungpura, international cooperation activities of the two universities was shared with Dr. Jamaliah, Vice Rector, Dr. Zairin Zain, Director of International Affairs Office, Dr. Farah Diba, Dean of Faculty of Forestry and Dr. Yeni Mariani. On August 30 (Wed), he gave a presentation on the organization and scholarships for the Graduate Schoolof the Kochi University to faculty members and students of the Faculty of Forestry and other faculties. In the afternoon, he visited Prof. Misaka Fujie, a Japanese language teacher at the Japanese Corner, and talked with staff members (Ms. Ulvatur Rochmawati Nauli) who are studying Japanese.
2023年8月29日(火)および30日(水)に,黒潮圏総合科学専攻修了生のYeni Mariani博士およびFathul Yusro博士が所属するタンジュンプラ大学を訪問しました。8月29日(火)には,学長のGaruda Wiko博士を訪問後,国際連携室長のZairin Zain博士らと両大学の国際連携活動について共有しました。また,Yeni Mariani博士とともに農林学部長のFarah Diba博士を訪問し,黒潮圏総合科学専攻との連携の強化について議論しました。8月30日(水)に森林学部およびその他の学部の教員や学生に対して,188足球直播_篮球比分¥体育官网大学院の組織や奨学金に関する説明を行ないました。午後には日本語コーナーで日本語教師を務める藤江皆栄先生を訪問し,日本語を勉強している職員の方を交えて会談しました。
Dr. Jamaliah, Vice Rector (left), Dr. Farah Diba, dean of Faculty of Forestry (second from right), Dr. Satoshi Kubota (center), Dr. Garuda Wiko, Rector (second from right), Dr. Zairin Zain, Director of International Affairs Office (right)
Dr. Zairin Zain, Director of International Affairs Office (left), Dr. Satoshi Kubota (second from right), Dr. Farah Diba, dean of Faculty of Forestry (center), Dr. Jamaliah, Vice Rector (second from right), Dr. Yeni Mariani (right)
Participants in scholarship information sessions
Arboretum in the campus
Ms. Ulvatur Rochmawati Nauli (left), Ms. Misaka Fujie, Japanese teacher in Japan corner (center), Dr. Satoshi Kubota (right)