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Research and Development Proposal of Dr. Takushi Namba was accepted as "Fund program for creating research-based startups from academia" (JST) / JSTの「大学発新産業創出基金事業 可能性検証【起業挑戦】」に難波卓司准教授の応募課題が採択されました

公開日 2023年9月21日

 Dr. Takushi Namba's research and development project, "Development of Health Food Using Functional Seaweed for Maintaining Healthy Stomachs," has been selected by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) for its "Fund program for creating research-based startups from academia".

 Dr. Namba has been conducting research on seaweed, which grows by absorbing sunlight and atmospheric CO2. With this project, he is working toward commercializing seaweed materials as a healthy food by the end of March 2025.

 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(JST)の「大学発新産業創出基金事業 可能性検証【起業挑戦】」の公募において、難波卓司准教授の研究開発課題「お腹の健康を保つ機能性海藻素材による健康食品の開発」が採択されました。
