
Research topics:

Southern Ocean IODP proposal


Southern Ocean paleoceanography

Previous Cruises in the Southern Ocean

R/V Hakuho-maru KH-94-4 (1994/1995)
D/V JOIDES Resolution ODP Leg 177 (1997/1998)
R/V Hakuho-maru KH-01-3 (2001/2002)

Site Survey Cruises for IODP proposal

R/V Hakuho-maru KH-07-4 Leg 3 (2007/2008)
R/V Hakuho-maru KH-10-7 (2011)
R/V Hakuho-maru KH-16-1 (2016)

Next site survey cruise (RV Hakuho-maru KH-19-1) is scheduled in 2019. We plan to investigate for IODP proposal in the Conrad Rise, Del Cano Rise, and Enderby Abyssal Plain, the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean.

IODP proposal related conference and workshop

ECORD-ICDP MagellanPlus Workshop Series: Planning Workshop for ‘Integrated Southern Ocean Latitudinal Transects(ISOLAT)’ to Investigate Southern Ocean Palaeoclimate and Past Antarctic Circumpolar Current Variability

??? University of Cambridge Magdalene College - Cripps Court

??? 23-26 September 2013

Ikehara, M., Transect drilling across the Indian sector of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC)

AWI mini-workshop of Southern Ocean IODP proposal

??? Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany

??? September 12-13, 2013

??? Participants: Minoru Ikehara, Yoshifumi Nogi, Yusuke Suganuma, Gerhard Kuhn, Frank Lamy, Oliver Esper

The Scotia Arc: Geodynamic evolution and global implications

??? Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra
??? Armilla (Granada), Spain

??? May 14-16, 2013

Ikehara et al., Southern Indian Ocean drilling proposal: outline and future plan of Antarctic Cryosphere evolution project (AnCEP)

web site

AnCEP IODP proposal revising workshop

Date: November 28, 2012 

Place: Seminar Room (C301), 3rd Floor of NIPR


Minoru Ikehara

Yoshifumi Nogi

Yusuke Suganuma

B.-K. Khim

Gerhard Kuhn

Hisashi Oiwane

Kota Katsuki

Takuya Itaki

Hideki Miura

Masao Iwai

Carlota Escutia

Johan Etourneau

Francisco Jimenez-Espejo

International workshop on Scientific Drilling in the Southwest Pacific

October 9-11, 2012

University of Sydney, Australia

Workshop report

Antarctic and Southern Ocean future drilling workshop

Place: Portland (Oregon, USA)

Date: 13th and 14th of July, 2012

workshop convener

Summary Report

Indian Ocean IODP workshop

Date: Oct 17?18, 2011

Place: Hotel Cidade de Goa, Panjim, Goa, India

  1. M.Ikehara et al., High-resolution climate variability and ACC evolution history from the Conrad Rise sediment drift in the Southern Indian Ocean

11th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences

10-16 July, 2011

Edinburgh, Scotland
