挊幰丒挊嶌柤 |
- Asahi, H., Okazaki, Y., Ikehara, M., Khim, B.-K., Nam, S.-I. and Takahashi, K. Seasonal variability of 兟18 O and 兟13 C of planktic foraminifera in the Bering Sea and central subarctic Pacific during 1990-2000, Paleoceanography, 30, 10, 1328-1346, 2015.
- Bezaeva, N. S., Badyukov, D. D., Kars, M., Feinberg, J. M., Rochette, P., Gattacceca, J. and Raitala, J.,78th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society July 27-31, 2015, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 50, S1, A4-A28, 2015.
- Falster, D. S., Duursma, R. A., Ishihara, M. I., Barneche, D.R., FitzJohn, R. G., Vrhammar, A., Aiba, M., Ando, M., Anten, N.,Aspinwall, M. J., Baltzer, J. L., Baraloto, C., Battaglia, M., Battles, J. J., Bond-Lamberty, B., van Breugel, M., Camac, J., Claveau, Y., Coll, L., Dannoura, M., Delagrange, S., Domec, J.-C., Fatemi, F., Feng, W., Gargaglione, V., Goto, Y., Hagihara, A., Hall, J. S., Hamilton, S., Harja, D., Hiura, T., Holdaway, R., Hutley, L. S., Ichie, T., Jokela, E. J., Kantola, A., Kelly, J. W. G., Kenzo, T., King, D., Kloeppel, B. D., Kohyama, T., Komiyama, A., Laclau, J.-P., Lusk, C. H., Maguire, D. A., le Maire, G., M?kel?, A., Markesteijn, L., Marshall, J., McCulloh, K., Miyata, I., Mokany, K., Mori, S., Myster, R. W., Nagano, M., Naidu, S. L., Nouvellon, Y., O'Grady, A. P., O'Hara, K. L., Ohtsuka, T., Osada, N., Osunkoya, O. O., Peri, P. L., Petritan, A. M., Poorter, L., Portsmuth, A., Potvin, C., Ransijn, J., Reid, D., Ribeiro, S. C., Roberts, S. D., Rodr?guez, R., Salda?a-Acosta, A., Santa-Regina, I., Sasa, K., Selaya, N. G., Sillett, S. C., Sterck, F., Takagi, K., Tange, T., Tanouchi, H., Tissue, D., Umehara, T., Utsugi, H., Vadeboncoeur, M. A., Valladares, F., Vanninen, P., Wang, J. R., Wenk, E., Williams, R., de Aquino Ximenes, F., Yamaba, A., Yamada, T., Yamakura, T., Yanai, R. D. and York, R. A.,//BAAD: a Biomass And Allometry Database for woody plants, Ecology, 96, 5, 1445-1445, 2015.
- Ferriols, V. M. E. N., Yaginuma, R., Adachi, M., Takada, K., Matsunaga, S. and Okada, S.,//Cloning and characterization of farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase from the highly branched isoprenoid producing diatom /Rhizosolenia setigera/, Scientific Reports, 5, 10246, 2015.
- Hashimoto, Y. and Eida, M.,Quantitative estimation of fluid pressure ratio of shear vein in an on-land accretionary complex, the Yokonami melange, the Cretaceous Shimanto Belt, Kochi, southwest Japan, Tectonophysics, 665, 17-22, 2015.
- Hashimoto, Y., Tobe, K., Yeh, E.-C., Lin, W. and Song,S.-R.,Changes in paleostress and its magnitude related to seismic cycles in the Chelung-pu Fault, Taiwan, Tectonics, 34, 12, 2418-2428, 2015.
- Horikawa, K., Kodaira, T., Zhang, J. and Murayama, M.,兟 18Osw estimate for Globigerinoides ruber from core-top sediments in the East China Sea, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science/, 2, 1, 1-20, 2015.
- Horikawa, K., Martin, E. E., Basak, C., Onodera, J., Seki, O., Sakamoto, T., Ikehara, M., Sakai, S. and Kawamura, K.,Pliocene cooling enhanced by flow of low-salinity Bering Sea water to the Arctic
Ocean, Nature COMMUNICATIONS, 6, 2015.
- Inagaki, F., Hinrichs, K.-U., Kubo, Y., Bowles, M. W., Heuer, V. B., Hong, W.-L., Hoshino, T., Ijiri, A., Imachi, H., Ito, M., Kaneko, M., Lever, M. A., Lin, Y.-S., Meth?, B. A., Morita, S., Morono, Y., Tanikawa, W., Bihan, M., Bowden, S. A., Elvert, M., Glombitza, C., Gross, D., Harrington, G. J., Hori, T., Li, K., Limmer, D., Liu, C.-H., Murayama, M., Ohkouchi, N., Ono, S., Park, Y.-S., Phillips, S. C., Prieto-Mollar, X., Purkey, M., Riedinger, N., Sanada, Y., Sauvage, J., Snyder, G., Susilawati, R., Takano, Y., Tasumi, E., Terada, T., Tomaru, H.,Trembath-Reichert, E., Wang, D. T. and Yamada, Y., Exploring deep microbial life in coal-bearing sediment down to 2.5 km below the ocean floor, Science, 349, 6246, 420-424, 2015.
- Inagaki, F., Hinrichs, K., Kubo, Y. and the IODP Expedition 337 Scientists (including Murayama, M., IODP Expedition 337: Exploring Limits of Life in the Deep Coalbed Biosphere off Shimokita, Japan,
Scientific Drilling, (accepted).
- Inoue, Y., Kenzo, T., Tanaka-Oda, A., Yoneyama, A. and Ichie, T., Leaf water use in heterobaric and homobaric leafed canopy tree species in a Malaysian tropical rain forest, Photosynthetica, 53, 2, 177-186, 2015.
- Isaji, Y., Kawahata, H., Ohkouchi, N., Murayama, M. and Tamaki, K.,Terrestrial environmental changes around the Gulf of Aden over the last 210 kyr deduced from the sediment n-alkane record: Implications for the dispersal of Homo sapiens, Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 6, 1880-1887, 2015.
- Ishiwa, T., Yokoyama, Y., Miyairi, Y., Obrochta, S., Sasaki, T., Kitamura, A., Suzuki, A., Ikehara, M., Ikehara, K., Kimoto, K., Bourget, J. and Matsuzaki, H.,//Reappraisal of sea-level lowstand during the Last Glacial Maximum observed in the Bonaparte Gulf sediments, northwestern Australia, Quaternary International, 397, 373-379, 2016.
Iwatani, H., Kondo, Y., Irizuki, T., Iwai, M. and Ikehara, M.,//Orbital obliquity cycles recorded in Kuroshio Current region, eastern Asia, around Plio?Pleistocene boundary, Quaternary Science Reviews, 140, 67-74, 2016.
- Kadono, T., Kira, N., Suzuki, K., Iwata, O., Ohama, T., Okada, S., Nishimura, T., Akakabe, M., _Tsuda, M. and Adachi, M., Effect of an Introduced Phytoene Synthase Gene Expression on Carotenoid Biosynthesis in the Marine Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Marine Drugs, 13, 8, 5334, 2015.
- Kadono, T., Miyagawa-Yamaguchi, A., Kira, N., Tomaru, Y., Okami, T., Yoshimatsu, T., Hou, L., Ohama, T., Fukunaga, K., Okauchi, M., Yamaguchi, H., Ohnishi, K., Falciatore, A. and Adachi, M., Characterization of marine diatom-infecting virus promoters in the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Scientific Reports, 5,18708, 2015.
- Kakei, Y., Mochida, K., Sakurai, T., Yoshida, T., Shinozaki, K. and Shimada, Y., Transcriptome analysis of hormone-induced gene expression in Brachypodium distachyon, Scientific Reports, 5, 14476, 2015.
- Kameda, J., Harris, R. N., Shimizu, M., Ujiie, K., Tsutsumi, A., Ikehara, M., Uno, M., Yamaguchi, A., Hamada, Y., Namiki, Y. and Kimura, G.,Hydrogeological responses to incoming materials at the erosional subduction margin, offshore Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 16, 8, 2725-2742, 2015.
- Kars, M.and Kodama, K.,Rock magnetic characterization of ferrimagnetic iron sulfides in gas hydrate-bearing marine sediments at Site C0008, Nankai Trough, Pacific Ocean, off-coast Japan, Earth, Planets and Space, 67, 1, 1-12, 2015.
- Kars, M., Lerouge, C., Grangeon, S., Aubourg, C., Tournassat, C., Mad, B. and Claret, F.,Identification of nanocrystalline goethite in reduced clay formations: Application to the Callovian-Oxfordian formation of Bure (France), American Mineralogist, 100, 7, 1544-1553,
- Kimura, S.-i., Tanida, H., Sera, M., Muro, Y., Takabatake, T., Nishioka, T., Matsumura, M. and Kobayashi, R., Relation between c-f hybridization and magnetic ordering in CeRu2Al10 : An optical conductivity study of Ce(Ru_1-x Rhx)_2 Al_10 (x?0.05), Physical Review B, 91, 24, 241120, 2015.
- Kioka, A., Ashi, J., Sakaguchi, A., Sato, T., Muraoka, S., Yamaguchi, A., Hamamoto, H., Wang, K. and Tokuyama, H.,Possible mechanism of mud volcanism at the prism-backstop contact in the western Mediterranean Ridge Accretionary Complex, Marine Geology, 363, Complete, 52-64, 2015.
- Kuroda, J., Ihoriya, N., Hori, R. S., Ogawa, N. O., Ikehara, M., Tanimizu, M. and Ohkouchi, N.,//Geochemistry of an Aptian bedded chert succession from the deep Pacific basin: New insights into Cretaceous oceanic anoxic event (OAE) 1a, Geological Society of America Special Papers, 511, 305-328, 2015.
- Kurotani, A. and Sakurai, T., In Silico Analysis of Correlations between Protein Disorder and Post-Translational
Modifications in Algae, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 16, 8, 19812, 2015.
- Matsuzaki, K. M., Suzuki, N., Nishi, H., Hayashi, H., Gyawali, B. R., Takashima, R. and Ikehara, M., Early to Middle Pleistocene paleoceanographic history of southern Japan based on radiolarian data from IODP Exp. 314/315 Sites C0001 and C0002, MarineMicropaleontology, 118, 17-33, 2015.
- Morishita, Y. and Usui, A.,//Microanalysis of platinum in hydrogenetic ferromanganese crust using SIMS, Geochemical Journal, 49, 6, e21-e26, 2015.
- Nagai, S., Ichie, T., Yoneyama, A., Kobayashi, H., Inoue, T., Ishii, R., Suzuki, R. and Itioka, T.,//Usability of time-lapse digital camera images to detect characteristics of tree phenology in a tropical rainforest, Ecological Informatics, 32, 91-106, 2016.
- Nishio, Y., Ijiri, A., Toki, T., Morono, Y., Tanimizu, M., Nagaishi, K. and Inagaki, F.,//Origins of lithium in submarine mud volcano fluid in the Nankai accretionary wedge, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 414, 144-155, 2015.
- Okamura, K. and Noguchi, T.,Evaluation of the effect on
temperature conversion of pHT at 25亷in the temperature range 0-40亷due to
incorrect estimations of salinity, alkalinity, and phosphate and
silicate concentrations, Analytical Sciences, 31, 8, 847-850, 2015.
- Okamura, K., Sugiyama, T., Noguchi, T., Fukuba, T. and Okino,
K.,Development of a deep-sea hydrogen sulfide ion sensor and its
application for submarine hydrothermal plume exploration, Geochemical
Journal, 49, 6, 603-611, 2015.
- Onda, Y., Hashimoto, K., Yoshida, T., Sakurai, T., Sawada, Y.,
Hirai, M. Y., Toyooka, K., Mochida, K. and Shinozaki, K.,Determination
of growth stages and metabolic profiles in Brachypodium distachyon for
comparison of developmental context with Triticeae crops, Proceedings
of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 282, 1811, 2015.
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and retreat of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet on the continental shelf
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- Saitoh, Y., Ishikawa, T., Tanimizu, M., Murayama, M., Ujiie,
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- Sano, T. and Nishio, Y.,Lithium isotope evidence for magmatic
assimilation of hydrothermally influenced crust beneath oceanic large
igneous provinces, Geological Society of America Special Papers, 511,
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- Sano, Y., Kagoshima, T., Takahata, N., Nishio, Y., Roulleau,
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the 2014 Mt Ontake eruption, Scientific Reports, 5, 13069, 2015.
- Sato, M., Yamamoto, S., Yamamoto, Y., Okada, Y., Ohno, M.,
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zircon crystals sampled from the Tanzawa tonalitic pluton, central
Japan, Earth, Planets and Space, 67, 1, 1-14, 2015.
- Sato, M., Yamamoto, Y., Nishioka, T., Kodama, K.,
Mochizuki, N., Usui, Y. and Tsunakawa, H.,Pressure effect on magnetic
hysteresis parameters of single-domain magnetite contained in natural
plagioclase crystal, Geophysical Journal International, 202, 1,
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- Shinozaki, T., Fujino, S., Ikehara, M., Sawai, Y., Tamura, T.,
Goto, K., Sugawara, D. and Abe, T.,Marine biomarkers deposited on
coastal land by the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami, Natural Hazards, 77, 1,
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- Sojikul, P., Saithong, T., Kalapanulak, S., Pisuttinusart, N.,
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Narangajavana, J.,Genome-wide analysis reveals phytohormone action
during cassava storage root initiation, Plant Molecular Biology, 88,
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- Tamura, T., Kodama, Y., Bateman, M. D., Saitoh, Y., Yamaguchi,
N. and Matsumoto, D.,Late Holocene aeolian sedimentation in the
Tottori coastal dune field, Japan Sea, affected by the East Asian winter
monsoon, Quaternary International, 397, 147-158, 2016.
- Tanida, H., Nakamura, M., Sera, M., Nishioka, T. and Matsumura,
M.,Rapid growth of localized nature of carriers in the Kondo
semiconductor CeFe_2 Al_10 with nonmagnetic ground state due to small Rh
doping, Physical Review B, 92, 23, 235154, 2015.
- Tauxe, L., Sugisaki, S., Jim?nez-Espejo, F., Escutia, C., Cook,
C. P., van de Flierdt, T. and Iwai, M., Geology of the Wilkes land
sub-basin and stability of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet: Insights from
rock magnetism at IODP Site U1361, Earth and Planetary Science
Letters, 412, 61-69, 2015.
- Tawong, W., Yoshimatsu, T., Yamaguchi, H. and Adachi,
M.,Effects of temperature, salinity and their interaction on growth
of benthic dinoflagellates Ostreopsis spp. from Thailand, Harmful
Algae, 44, 37-45, 2015.
- Tawong, W., Yoshimatsu, T., Yamaguchi, H. and Adachi,
M., Temperature and salinity effects and toxicity of Gambierdiscus
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- Tokumaru, A., Nozaki, T., Suzuki, K., Goto, K. T., Chang, Q.,
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Journal, 49, 3, 233-241, 2015.
- Van Kranendonk, M. J., Mazumder, R., Yamaguchi, K. E., Yamada, K.
and Ikehara, M., Sedimentology of the Paleoproterozoic Kungarra
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the transition from early to modern Earth, Precambrian Research, 256,
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- Yamamoto, Y., Torii, M. and Natsuhara, N., Archeointensity
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Earth, Planets and Space, 67, 1, 1-13, 2015.
- Yoshida, K., Okubo, R., Tanida, H., Matsumura, T., Sera, M.,
Nishioka, T., Matsumura, M., Moriyoshi, C. and Kuroiwa, Y.,Pr- and
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- 壀揷 桳婓, 孈 棙塰, 抮揷 徆擵, 抮尨 幚, 僷儞僒儔僢僒奀怺奀懲愊暔
偵偍偗傞嶰忯宯乕僕儏儔宯嫬奅憌偺抧媴壔妛揑専摙, 戝嶃旝壔愇尋媶夛帍 摿暿
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- 扟愳 榡, 塝杮 崑堦榊, 摽嶳 塸堦, 懞嶳 夒巎, 嶳杮 桾擇, 崟揷孲
悈杤揱彸偲奀掙堚峔挷嵏偐傜楌巎撿奀抧恔傪昍夝偔丗儗價儏乕偲崱屻偺揥朷, 楌巎抧恔, (accepted).
挊幰丒挊嶌柤 |
- 捗揷 惓巎, 梟塼宯DNP-NMR偺幚嵺偲墳梡, 擔杮妀帴婥嫟柭妛夛婡娭帍,
6, 22-26, 2015.
- Pandey, D. K., Clift, P. D., Kulhanek, D. K., And?, S., Bendle,
J. A. P., Bratenkov, S., Griffith, E. M., Gurumurthy, G. P., Hahn, A.,
Iwai, M., Khim, B.-K., Kumar, A., Kumar, A. G., Liddy, H. M., Lu, H.,
Lyle, M. W., Mishra, R., Radhakrishna, T., Routledge, C. M., Saraswat,
R., Saxena, R., Scardia, G., Sharma, G. K., Singh, A. D., Steinke, S.,
Suzuki, K., Tauxe, L., Tiwari, M., Xu, Z. and Yu, Z.,Arabian Sea
Monsoon: Deep sea drilling in the Arabian Sea: Constraining
tectonic-monsoon interactions in South Asia, International Ocean
Discovery Program Expedition 355 Preliminary Report, 355, 6-46, 2015.
- Kodama, K.,Pulsed-field magnetometry for rock magnetism,
Earth, Planets and Space, 67, 1, 1-9, 2015.