丂Catalogue of Fishes of Kochi Prefecture丂僗僘僉垷栚傊栠傞
丂丂丂Gnathodentex aureolineatus (Lacepede)
僲僐僊儕僟僀 攼搰丆埲晍棙
丂丂丂Monotaxis grandoculis (Forsskal)
儓僐僔儅僋儘僟僀 攼搰
丂丂丂Gymnocranius griseus (Temminck
et Schlegel)儊僀僠僟僀 攼搰丆埲晍棙
丂丂丂Lethrinus amboinensis Bleeker 儓僐僔儅僼僄僼僉 攼搰
丂丂丂L. atkinsoni Seale 僀僜僼僄僼僉 攼搰
丂丂丂L. harak (Forsskal) 儅僩僼僄僼僉 攼搰
丂丂丂L. genivittatus Valenciennes 僀僩僼僄僼僉 崅抦導増娸
丂丂丂L. haematopterus Temminck
et Schlegel 僼僄僼僉僟僀 攼搰
丂丂丂L. nebulosus (Forsskal)
僴儅僼僄僼僉 崅抦導増娸
丂丂丂L. rubrioperculatus Sato 儂僆傾僇僋僠價 攼搰
丂丂丂*L. semicinctus Valenciennes 傾儈僼僄僼僉 壂僲搰: NSMT-P 77548