姉尨柅帯攷巑偺榑暥乮堦晹乯亂Catalog of Fishes丆CAS 偺僨乕僞儀乕僗偵傛傞専嶕寢壥亃
No. 1-10
Kamohara, T. 1933 (15 Sept.) [ref. 19715]
On a new fish from Japan. Dobutsugaku Zasshi [Zool. Mag. Tokyo]
v. 45 (no. 539): 389-393.
Kamohara, T. 1934 [ref. 16431]
On a new fish, Zenion japonicum from Japan. Proc. Imp.
Acad., Tokyo v. 10 (no. 9): 597-599.
Kamohara, T. 1934 (15 July) [ref. 22716]
Supplementary notes on fishes in Kochi. Dobutsugaku Zasshi [Zool.
Mag. Tokyo] v. 46 (no. 549): 299-303.
Kamohara, T. 1934 (15 Oct.) [ref. 19716]
Additional notes on the fishes around Kochi city. Dobutsugaku
Zasshi [Zool. Mag. Tokyo] v. 46 (no. 552): 457-463. [In Japanese.]
Kamohara, T. 1935 (15 Apr.) [ref. 5617]
On a new fish of the Zeidae from Kochi, Japan. Dobutsugaku Zasshi
[Zool. Mag. Tokyo] v. 47 (no. 558): 245-247. [In Japanese, with
English description on p. 247.]
Kamohara, T. 1935 (15 June) [ref. 2549]
On the Owstoniidae of Japan. Annot. Zool. Jpn. v. 15 (no. 1):
Kamohara, T. 1936 [ref. 2550]
Supplementary note on the fishes collected in the vicinity of
Kochi-shi (X). Dobutsugaku Zasshi [Zool. Mag. Tokyo] v. 48 (no.
11): 929-935. [In Japanese, English summ. of new taxa on p. 929.]
Kamohara, T. 1936 (1 Dec.) [ref. 13706]
Two new deepsea fishes from Japan. Annot. Zool. Jpn. v. 15 (no.
4): 446-448.
Kamohara, T. 1936 (Dec.) [ref. 13709]
On two new species of fishes found in Japan. Dobutsugaku Zasshi
[Zool. Mag. Tokyo] v. 48 (no. 12): 1006-1008.
Kamohara, T. 1936 (June) [ref. 13707]
Supplementary note on the fishes collected in the vicinity of
Kochi-shi (IX). Dobutsugaku Zasshi [Zool. Mag. Tokyo] v. 48 (no.
6): 306-311. [In Japanese, English summ.]
No. 11-20
Kamohara, T. 1936 (Oct.) [ref. 13708]
On a new fish of the Triglidae from Kochi, Japan. Dobutsugaku
Zasshi [Zool. Mag. Tokyo] v. 48 (nos. 8-10): 481-483. [In Japanese,
English summ.]
Kamohara, T. 1937 (May) [ref. 15281]
On some rare and one new species of fishes from Japan. Dobutsugaku
Zasshi [Zool. Mag. Tokyo] v. 49 (no. 5): 186-190. [In Japanese,
English summ.]
Kamohara, T. 1938 (30 Oct.) [ref. 2551]
On the offshore bottom-fishes of Prov. Tosa, Shikoku, Japan. Maruzen
Kobushiki Kaisha, Tokyo. 1-86.
Kamohara, T. 1939 [ref. 21040]
On a new fish, Monacanthus (Stephanolepis) nipponensis,
from Prov. Tosa, Japan. Dobutsugaku Zasshi [Zool. Mag. Tokyo]
v. 51: 624-625.
Kamohara, T. 1941 [ref. 13016]
Descriptions of one new and two rare fishes from Japan. Annot.
Zool. Jpn. v. 20 (no. 3): 166-168.
Kamohara, T. 1943 (Oct.) [ref. 9220]
Some unrecorded and two new fishes from Prov. Tosa, Japan. Bull.
Biogeogr. Soc. Jpn. v. 13 (no. 17): 125-137.
Kamohara, T. 1951 (Mar.) [ref. 2552]
Notes on some rare fishes from Prov. Tosa, Japan. Rep. Kochi Univ.
Nat. Sci. Japan No. 1: 1-8, Pls. 1-2.
Kamohara, T. 1952 (29 Feb.) [ref. 12777]
Studies on the family Peristediidae found in Japan. Jpn. J. Ichthyol.
v. 2 (no. 1): 1-13. [In Japanese, English summ.]
Kamohara, T. 1952 (June) [ref. 12779]
Additions to the off-shore bottom fishes of Prov. Tosa, Japan,
with descriptions of two new species. Res. Rep. Kochi Univ. v.
1 (no. 6): 1-3.
Kamohara, T. 1952 (Mar.) [ref. 12778]
Revised descriptions of the offshore bottom-fishes of Prov. Tosa,
Shikoku, Japan. Rep. Kochi Univ. Nat. Sci. Japan No. 3: 1-122.
No. 21-30
Kamohara, T. 1953 (31 July) [ref. 12699]
A review of the fishes of the family Chlorophthalmidae found in
the waters of Japan. Jpn. J. Ichthyol. v. 3 (no. 1): 1-6.
Kamohara, T. 1953 (June) [ref. 2553]
Marine fishes newly found in Prov. Tosa, Japan, with descriptions
of a new genus and species. Res. Rep. Kochi Univ. v. 2 (no. 11):
1-10, 2 pls.
Kamohara, T. 1954 (Oct.) [ref. 12652]
Eleven additions to the fish fauna of Prov. Tosa, including one
new species of the family Serranidae. Res. Rep. Kochi Univ. v.
3 (no. 26): 1-6, 1 pl.
Kamohara, T. 1956 (July) [ref. 12203]
Nine noteworthy additions to the marine fish fauna of Prov. Tosa,
including one new to science. Rep. Usa Mar. Biol. Stn. v. 3 (no.
1): 1-4, 1 pl.
Kamohara, T. 1957 [ref. 2554]
Notes on twenty additions to the marine fish fauna of Prov. Tosa,
Japan, including one new genus (Family Peristediidae). Res. Rep.
Kochi Univ. v. 6 (no. 5): 1-6.
Kamohara, T. 1957 (25 Dec.) [ref. 12076]
Some little known fishes from Kochi Prefecture (Prov. Tosa), Japan,
including one new species of the family Peristediidae. Jpn. J.
Ichthyol. v. 6 (nos. 4-6): 75-81.
Kamohara, T. 1957 (may) [ref. 12148]
List of fishes from Amami-Oshima and adjacent regions, Kagoshima
Prefecture, Japan. Rep. Usa Mar. Biol. Stn. v. 4 (no. 1): 1-65.
Kamohara, T. 1958 (Nov.) [ref. 2555]
A review of the labrid fishes found in the waters of Kochi Prefecture,
Japan. Rep. Usa Mar. Biol. Stn. v. 5 (no. 2): 1-20, Pls. 1-8.
Kamohara, T. 1960 (June) [ref. 11922]
On the fishes of the genus Chromis (family Amphiprionidae,
Chromides, Pisces), found in the waters of Japan. Rep. Usa Mar.
Biol. Stn. v. 7 (no. 1): 1-10, 1 pl.
Kamohara, T. 1960 (Oct.) [ref. 2556]
A review of the fishes of the family Parapercidae found in the
waters of Japan. Rep. Usa Mar. Biol. Stn. v. 7 (no. 2): 1-14,
Pls. 1-2.
No. 31-33
Kamohara, T. 1961 [ref. 2557]
Additional records of marine fishes from Kochi Prefecture, Japan,
including one new genus of the parapercid. Rep. Usa Mar. Biol.
Stn. v. 8 (no. 1): 1-9.
Kamohara, T. 1961 [ref. 19282]
Notes on the type specimens of fishes in my laboratory. Rep. Usa
Mar. Biol. Stn. v. 8 (no. 2): 1-9, Pls. 1-7.
Kamohara, T., and M. Katayama 1959 (Jan.) [ref. 11923]
A new and a rare anthinid fishes from Kochi Prefecture, Japan.
Rep. Usa Mar. Biol. Stn. v. 6 (no. 1): 1-4.