

Procedures for Immigration Services

Extension of Period of Stay

 If you wish to continue your studies beyond the period of residence determined when you entered the country or when your status of residence changes, you must apply for an extension of period of stay..
This procedure can be begun three months before your period of stay expires..
Students who wish to apply for an extension of period of stay should come to the counter in charge of international students on your at each campus, prepare the necessary documents, and make the application at the Kochi Immigration Office. Immigration officers will ask you to show your National Health Insurance card. Take your card when you apply for it. If you cannot apply for National Health Insurance because your stay is less than one year, please tell about the reason to the officer.

【Necessary Documents】

●Application form for Extension of Period of Stay (Forms are available at the Immigrant Bureau or on the Immigrant Bureau website.)
●Corticate of Enrollment
●Documents indicating the content of your studies (Certi?cate of Scholastic Marks, recommendation letter from your academic adviser, etc.)
●Resident Card
●Financial statement
●The application fee ¥4,000

In some cases, you may be requested to submit additional documents.

 You should contact the office in charge of international students and apply for some documents to be issued by the university.

Procedure for Re-entry Permission

 If you temporarily return to your home country or to a third country during your period of study, you should obtain re-entry permission at the Kochi Immigration Office before you leave Japan (if you forget this procedure, you will have to get a new visa when you re-enter Japan). Students who wish to apply this procedure should come to the counter in charge of international students on their campus, prepare the necessary documents, and make your application at the Kochi Immigration Office. Before leaving, you need to submit a “Notification of Temporary Leave” to the office in charge of International Students.

【Necessary Documents 】

●Application form for re-entry permission (Forms are available at the Immigrant Bureau or on the Immigrant Bureau website.)
●Resident Card
●The application fee ¥3,000 (for a one-time permit) or ¥6,000 (for a multiple journey permit)

 Immigration officers will ask you to show your Resident Card at the port of departure/re-entry. Take your card with you when leaving and re-entering Japan.

 When the new residency management system goes into effect on July 9, 2012, a special re-entry permit system was introduced. Those departing Japan who plan to re-enter Japan within one year and before the expiration of their period of stay, is not required to apply for a Re-entry Permit. This is called the Special Re-entry Permit system. However, residents who fail to re-enter Japan within the valid period will lose their resident status.

 Be sure to bring your passport and Resident Card at departure.


Permission for Activities Not Allowed Under One’s Status

 Foreigners residing in Japan with a status of“College Student”are not authorized to work, so if you intend to have a part-time job, you must get permission for an activity not covered under your status. Students who wish to have a part-time job should make your application at the Kochi Immigration Office.

【Necessary Documents】

●Application Form (Forms are available at the Immigrant Bureau or on the Immigrant Bureau website.))別ウィンドウ
●Resident Card
◎ The Permission for Activities Not Allowed Under One's Status grants blanket permission for legally authorized part-time jobs, and thus it is not necessary to re-apply even if you change employers. It is not necessary for you to get permission if you are employed as a T. A. or a R. A. by Kochi University.

【Authorized Part-time job for foreigners with a status of College Student or their family】

Student: Not more than 28 hours / week
※( 8 hours / day permitted during the expanded vacation)
Family: Not more than 28 hours / week
 The job should not be one that might have a harmful effect on public morals.
 You will not be given permission for a part-time job that does not satisfy these conditions.

Bringing Your Family to Japan

 The Kochi University International House has only 3 family rooms on the Oko Campus, 5 family rooms on the Monobe Campus and it is difficult to find an apartment near the University that can house a family.
 We recommend that you have your family come to Japan after you have become accustomed to life here and have found a place for them to live in.
 Your family can obtain visas for entering Japan directly from the Japanese Embassy in your country, but you can also obtain a Certificate of Eligibility for Status of Residence at the Immigration Office, which your family can take to the Japanese Embassy and obtain visas. In the latter case, the time required for the issue of the visas is shorter and the paperwork at the Japanese Embassy will be completed in a shorter time.

【Necessary Documents for Issuance of a Certificate of Eligibility】

●Application Form (Forms are available at the Immigrant Bureau or on the Immigrant Bureau website.)
●1 photo ( 4 cm× 3 cm) of the person to receive eligibility for status of residence.
●Documents certifying relationship to you (copy of family register / marriage or birth certificate, etc.)
●Certificate of Residence/Resident Card (issued by city office) or a copy of your passport.
●Copy of Notice of Admission or Certificate of Enrollment
●Certificate that you received a scholarship
●Document to certify that the student has the ability to support their family.
●Stamped, self-addressed envelope (to receive the certificate by mail)
※In some cases, you may be requested to submit other documents.
Japanese translation must accompany documents written in another language.

Extension of Period of Stay for your Family

 The period of stay is determined together with the status of residence at the time of landing. Your family is permitted to stay in Japan within the period of stay thus determined. If your family desires to remain in Japan under the same status of residence beyond their authorized period of stay, it is necessary to apply for and obtain an extension of period of stay.
 This procedure can be begun three months before their period of stay expires.
 Please come to the counter in charge of international student, assemble the required documents, and make an application at the Kochi Immigration Office.

【Necessary Documents 】

●Application Form for Extension of Period of Stay (Forms are available at the Immigrant Bureau or on the Immigrant Bureau website.)
●Resident Card for the family member or a copy of their passport
●Certificate of Enrollment
●Certificate that you received a scholarship
●Document to certify that the student has the ability to support their family