News About the CMCR Member List Research Joint Use Facilities Seminars
Joint Use
International Joint Use Project
Call for Collaborative Researchers by the Joint Usage/Research Center for Drilling Earth Science (JURC-DES) Center for Advanced Marine Core Research, Kochi University

July 31, 2019

The Center for Advanced Marine Core Research (CMCR), Kochi University, seeks research proposals for collaborative research in the Joint Usage/Research Center for Drilling Earth Science (JURC-DES), to be submitted no later than September 6, 2019. Proposal contents must be linked to one of the following three principal research projects. In addition, applicants must consult with the project principal investigator (PI), who would become their research counterpart, to discuss the proposal prior to its submission. Guidelines and further information are provided below.

1. Principal Research Projects (PRPs)
PRP-A: Precise and accurate data correlation by chronostratigraphic big data assimilation to characterize late Cenozoic warming episodes (PI: Masao Iwai, See more (pdf)

PRP-B: Paleo-proxy data mapping in the Northwest Pacific: Understanding the behavior of the Kuroshio-subtropical gyre during past super-interglacials (PI: Minoru Ikehara, See more in See more (pdf)

PRP-C: Survival strategy of microplankton to global warming (PI: Yurika Ujiié, See more (pdf)

2. Period of research: October 2019 to March 2022 (2.5 years)

3. Eligibility: International and domestic researchers are eligible to apply.
The senior proposer must hold a PhD or equivalent degree. All applicants must supply the following information on the application form: name, current institution, year of PhD or other degree, and the degree-granting institution and country.

4. Application deadline: September 6, 2019.

5. Notification: Applicants will be notified by email until the end of September 2019.

6. Other notes: See Guidelines for Collaborative Researchers in the Joint Usage/Research Center for Drilling Earth Science (JURC-DES), Kochi University in below.

7. Contact information:
Center for Advanced Marine Core Research, Kochi University
200 Monobe-otsu, Nankoku, Kochi 783-8502, Japan
Phone: +81-88-864-6712
Or direct questions to the PI of the relevant PRP.

Guideline and Applicaiton Form
Facilities (pdf)
Guideline (pdf)
Application Form Word File PDF File

Nationwide Joint Use System

The Center places a major emphasis on the well-organized management of the ‘nationwide joint-use?Esystem designed for scientists and students in Japan. The system is organized by MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology). Our facilities can be accessed by scientists across Japan on a proposal basis.

We invite applications twice annually (in February and August). Research themes should be related to one of four broad categories: (a) deep biosphere and sub-seafloor sediments and rocks; (b) environmental changes, processes and effects; (c) solid earth cycles and geodynamics; and (d) other topics related to Earth drilling sciences. The advisory committee, which is organized by members inside and outside the Center, reviews the proposals and determines whether or not they are eligible.

Scientists and students who have approved proposals can stay at the Center for a period of time. They have access to instruments at the Center to conduct their research, while staff at the Center make every effort to support their stay. After the research is complete, scientists and students are obliged to submit short reports to the Center and are encouraged to publish results in referred journals.

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