The CMCR opened an academically focused core repository (KU-ABCR), which mainly houses scientific core materials that are not subjected to other curatorial services available in Kochi Core Center (via the IODP Core Repository and JAMSTEC). Cores and related existing data are open for further scientific studies. Contact the Academic-Based Core Repository staff or the CMCR administrative office for further information.
Update history
12/25/2020 KU-ABCR database is open.
●Academic-based Core Database
This is an open database for core materials stored in our repository (e.g., drilling location, contact person).
●Core storage
We store core materials of recognized scientific value and for which basic information is available (*).
(*) At a minimum, such basic core information includes the core’s source location (coordinates and water depth) and the name and contact information of the co-chief scientists and/or other person(s) in charge.
●Examples of accepted cores for storage
●Marine cores related to Joint Usage/Research Center for Drilling Earth Science (JURC-DES) and core material related to past joint-use projects
●Marine cores collected during joint research cruises of Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute (AORI/ORI) of the University of Tokyo prior to 2018 (R/V Hakuho-Maru, R/V Shinsei-Maru and R/V Tansei-Maru)
●Marine cores collected during JAMSTEC/AORI joint research cruises after 2019 (R/V Hakuho-Maru, R/V Shinsei-Maru, R/V Yokosuka, R/V Kairei)
●Cores from International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) and associate projects
●Marine cores collected by domestic university and foreign research vessels (e.g. R/V Marion Dufresne)
●Land and lake sediments drilled in Japan
●Other cores (upon request)
Note: Core storage includes not only newly collected cores, stored at the Kochi Core Center but also cores collected in the past and stored at various universities and research institutions.
Cores are subjected to a moratorium period of 5 years. Beyond that, cores are available to the scientific community for study upon sample request.
●Academic-based core repository staff
Director: Minoru Ikehara (ikehara[※]kochi-u.ac.jp)
Core Curator: Hirofumi Asahi (asahiro[※]kochi-u.ac.jp)
(For E-mail address, please change [※] to the “at” symbol.)
Contact Information
Administration Office
Center for Advanced Marine Core Research
Kochi University
B200 Monobe, Nankoku
Kochi 783-8502
Tel: +81-(0)88-864-9712 (in Japanese only)
Fax: +81-(0)88-864-6713
E-mail: kk21[※]kochi-u.ac.jp
(For E-mail address, please change [※] to the “at” symbol.)