April 21 (Thursday)
Ikehara, M. (KCC), Nogi, Y., and KH-10-7 Shipboard Scientific Party
Preliminary report of Hakuho-maru KH-10-7 cruise
Oiwane, H. (NIPR), and Nakamura, Y. (JAMSTEC)
Sediment wave on the Conrad Rise
Masako YAMANE (Univ. Tokyo), Yusuke OKAZAKI (JAMSTEC), Akira IJIRI (JAMSTEC), Minoru IKEHARA (Kochi Univ.) and Yusuke YOKOYAMA (Univ. Tokyo)
Diatom oxygen isotopes record of COR-1PC, and radiocarbon dating of LHB-3PC
Yeo-Hun Kim (PNU), Yusuke Suganuma, Kota Katsuki, Minoru Ikehara, Boo-Keun Khim,
Variation of Surface-Water Condition off the Lützow-Holm Bay in the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean during the last 700 ka
Okamoto, S. (KCC) and Ikehara, M.
Organic geochemical analyses of core LHB-3PC
April 22 (Friday)
Ikehara, M. (KCC)
Preliminary results of non-destructive measurements of KH-10-7 cores and preparation for new IODP proposal
Yokoyama, Y. (Univ. of Tokyo) et al.
Far-field sea-level revealing the Holocene melting history of Antarctic Ice Sheet
Suganuma, Y. (NIPR)
Relative geomagnetic intensity as a tool for high resolution stratigraphy
Okazaki Y. (JAMSTEC)
Review: Role of the Southern Ocean for global carbon cycle
Iwai, M. (Kochi Univ.)
Outline of IODP Expedition 318 -Wilkes Land Antarctic Ice History
Masako YAMANE (Univ. Tokyo), Toyosaburo SAKAI (Utsunomiya Univ.), Yusuke OKAZAKI (JAMSTEC), Akira IJIRI (JAMSTEC), Yusuke YOKOYAMA (Univ. Tokyo) and Exp.318 shipboard scientists
Biogenic silica oxygen isotopes record of IODP Exp.318 U1361A core