公開日 2016年10月8日
? Kochi University participated in the “Information about Studying in Japan” event again this year, on October 8 and 9, 2016. The University sent two representatives, including Professor Nino, Head of the Center for International Collaboration, to the event to give presentations on the University and provide individualized guidance. Studying in Japan is very popular in Mongolia. The two-day event attracted a total of 1,233 participants, of which 109 visited the Kochi University booth over the two days. They showed interest in many different areas, including humanities, education, science, medicine and agriculture, but particularly in economics, management and engineering.
? On the 6th and 7th, preceding the “Information about Studying in Japan” event, the representatives visited the JICA Mongolia Office, Shine Mongol Academy, the Mongolian University of Science and Technology, and the National University of Mongolia to collect information. Shine Mongol Academy was founded in October 2000 modeled after Japanese school curriculums, as a combined elementary, junior high and high school. Shine Mongol University of Engineering and Technical College were added later. Five Shine Mongol High School graduates have been admitted to Kochi University as regular students so far, and we have heard that several students are thinking of applying for admission to our university this year again.
? Furthermore, the representatives provided consultation to Mongolians who had participated in JICA’s issue-specific training course “Improvement of Education in Remote Areas,” which had been implemented by Kochi University over the past three years, to give them follow-up support after their return to Mongolia. Five former participants, including staff members of the Mongolia National Institute of Educational Research, attended it and said that the teaching plans, multi-grade class teaching techniques, etc. that they had learned by visiting elementary schools in Kochi Prefecture during the training course were now being put into practice in real-life education settings in Mongolia.
? At present, Kochi University has four Mongolian students (regular students). We intend to continue enhancing our partnership with Shine Mongol High School, JICA Mongolia-Japan Center and other partners in Mongolia to further promote exchanges with the country in the future.