JICA Partnership Program “Project for Penetration in Nepal of Local Adaptation-Based Gabion Techniques for Both Disaster Management and Environmental Protection” Kickoff Meeting held on March 8 and 9, 2017

公開日 2017年3月13日

? Following Kochi University’s signing (March 1, 2017) of an agreement with JICA Shikoku as the project operation organization for the JICA Partnership Program “Project for Penetration in Nepal of Local Adaptation-Based Gabion Techniques for Both Disaster Management and Environmental Protection,” we visited Nepal with a mission from the town of Yusuhara, which proposed the idea.

? First on the itinerary was safety management training at the JICA Nepal Office, which all members of the party attended on the day we arrived in the country, followed by Project Manager Hara’s (Professor at Kochi University and Vice-Chairman of the Center for Disaster Prevention Promotion) briefing on the project. Then, we had a hearing with JICA Nepal and held a meeting for even closer coordination and cooperation in the future.

? On the 8th and 9th, we took part in a?site visit?of the Dhading District, which is the model area for the use of gabions, and a kickoff meeting took place with the counterpart NGO, the Integrated Technical Research and Development Center (ITRDC). In the meeting, an outline of the project and its schedule were presented, the structure and design of gabions for the first year of gabion construction were discussed, and information was provided to fill participants in on the secretariat function for the project and other things to remember in order to establish mutual understanding and share knowledge required for the initial stage of the project.

? In the future, ITRDC, JICA, the Town of Yusuhara and Kochi University are going to carry out JICA Partnership Program in more specific ways.



JICAネパール事務所による事業ヒアリング Dhading郡現場視察
<Project hearing by JICA Nepal Office>
<Site visit of the Dhading District>