公開日 2017年8月30日
On Wednesday, August 30, ten Indonesian students (three from Gadjah Mada University, four from Bogor Agricultural University and three from Hasanuddin University) and six Malaysian students (from University Putra Malaysia), who were staying in Kochi to study in the Service Learning Program (SLP), and twelve Japanese students of Kochi University, called on Vice-President Sakurai (Director of General Administration and International and Inter-Regional Exchanges).
? After words of welcome from Vice-President Sakurai, Professor Nino, Head of the Center for International Collaboration, talked about how widely SLP activities were now known in Kochi Prefecture as the result of newspaper reports and other media coverage. After that, two students representing the students of SLP, namely Siti Zubaidah Jamaluddin from University Putra Malaysia working in the Yasuda Site and Sofa Zuhad Mudawam from Bogor Agricultural University working in the Muroto Site, reported on their activities, which was followed by an enthusiastic exchange of opinions.
? It is planned that during their stay they will join other SUIJI Service Learning student groups from Ehime University and Kagawa University and participate in the final results meeting to give presentations on what they have learned through Service Learning and exchange with student groups from other universities.
*SUIJI (Six University Initiative Japan Indonesia) is a consortium of six universities that was formed by the above three universities in Indonesia and three universities in Shikoku with the aim of promoting collaborative education and research concerning the development of agriculture in tropical regions.