公開日 2019年2月7日
Culture Café was held with the aim of working for international understanding through having international students and Japanese students interact. On Wednesday April 18, the 26th Culture Café was held on the theme of China, and was attended by 8 international students, 13 Japanese students, 2 faculty members, and 2 members of the general public, for a total of 25 people.
This Culture Café featured a presentation by Mr. Yingzhou Chen, a Chinese Master’s student in the Science Program, on Chinese tea as the main theme. Mr. Chen provided explanation of the culture and etiquette of tea, the types of tea, and its effects.
Next, after learning about how to make tea using utensils particular to Chinese tea, the participants then tried it for themselves, and tasted Chinese teas while being taught about the correct ways to drink it.
An international student from Denmark said that “There are not many chances to drink tea in Denmark, and the demonstration with authentic tea utensils was very impressive.” A Japanese student also noted that “It made me aware that how tea is made and drunk in Japan are quite different to China.”