News About the CMCR Member List Research Joint Use Facilities Seminars

仠March 18, 2016
International Workshop on Marine Manganese Minerals (see PDF)

仠March 15, 2016KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Mitsubishi Materials Techno

仠March 10-16, 2016
J-DESC Core School (Basic Core and Isotope Analysis) was held.

仠March 10, 2016KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Yokohama National University

仠March 7, 2016KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Students of Saga Junior High School, Kuroshio-cho, Kochi

仠March 4, 2016KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: 5th grade students from Aki dai-ichi elementary School, Aki-shi, Kochi

仠Feb. 29-Mar.1, 2016Report Meeting
Joint Usage / Research Annual Report Meeting of 2015 Fiscal Year was held.

仠March 1st, 2016KCC seminar
Lecturer: Prof.Lisa Tauxe (Distinguished Professor of Geophysics, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University California, San Diego)
Title: Geology of the Wilkes Land Sub-basin and Stability of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet: Insights from rock magnetism at IODP Site U136

仠February 24, 2016KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Students of Onomi Junior High School, Nakatosa-cho, Kochi

仠February 20, 2016KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Science teachers of the high school in Kochi Prefecture

仠February 19, 2016KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Assistant manager of the National University Corporation Support Division, Higher Education Bureau, MEXT

仠February 16, 2016KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: 5th grade students from Oomiya elementary school

仠December 25, 2015
Renewal of Entrance hall for Earthquake countermeasures (photo)

仠December 21, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Forestry Promotion and Environment Division, Kochi Prefectural Goverment

仠Dec. 18, 2015Deadline
Job vacancies: The Center is accepting applications for two faculty positions (click here)

仠December 3, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Kobe Ocean-Bottom Exploration Center, Kobe Universty
Visitor: Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Visitor: Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University

仠November 28, 20154th KCC Lecture
@ Kochi Prefectural Culture Hall (Green Hall) 14:10 - 17:10
Tsuyoshi Ishikawa (Director, Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research, JAMSTEC)
1st Speaker:
Fumio Inagaki (Group Leader, Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research, JAMSTEC)
2nd Speaker:
Minoru Ikehara (Professor, Center for Advanced Marine Core Research, Kochi University)
Panel discussion coordinator:
Hidekazu Tokuyama (Director, Center for Advanced Marine Core Research, Kochi University)
more information in Japanese only

仠November 25, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Japan Agricultural Cooperatives Tosashi

仠November 20, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: 2nd-year students from Kochi Minammi Senior High School

仠November 13, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Students from overseas Institutions which have cooporating Agreements with Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi University

仠November 10, 2015KCC seminar
Lecturer: Prof. Toshitsugu Yamasaki (AORI, the University of Tokyo)
Title: Magnetite produced by magnetotactic bacteria extracted from sediments

仠November 10, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: City council members of Hachinohe city, Aomori

仠Sep. 15 - Nov. 8, 2015
Short exhibition @ Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History
(Exhibition detail in Japanese only)

仠November 6, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Kinki and Shikoku region Mining Industry Association

仠November 3, 2015KCC Open day

仠October 23, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: 5th grade students from Nissho elementary school
Visitor: Kochi Ozu high school students in Super Science High school program

仠October 14, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Oversea students invited by Kuroshio Science, Kochi University as part of "SAKURA Exchang Program in Science"

仠September 29, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Students from Anhui, China invited by Kochi prefecture as part of "SAKURA Exchang Program in Science"

仠September 8, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Management and Coordination Division, Minister's Secretariat, MEXT

仠August 19, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: PTA of Hiroshima Pref. Fukuyama Seishikan High School

仠August 10-12, 2015Summer break
CMCR will be closed from August 10 to 12 for summer break.

仠August 7, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Students of Kochi University of Tecnology and Overseas Partner Universities
Visitor: Students of Faculty of Education, Nagasaki University

仠August 6, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Junior High School Educational Foundation of Okayama

仠August 3, 2015SSH program
Visitor: Students of Toyonaka Senior High School@Osaka

仠July 31, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: National University Corporation Support Division, Higher education Bureau, MEXT

仠July 28, 2015Publication (Science)
F. Inagaki, K.-U. Hinrichs, Y. Kubo, M. W. Bowles, V. B. Heuer, W.-L. Hong, T. Hoshino, A. Ijiri, H. Imachi, M. Ito, M. Kaneko, M. A. Lever, Y.-S. Lin, B. A. Meth?, S. Morita, Y. Morono, W. Tanikawa, M. Bihan, S. A. Bowden, M. Elvert, C. Glombitza, D. Gross, G. J. Harrington, T. Hori, K. Li, D. Limmer, C.-H. Liu, M. Murayama, N. Ohkouchi, S. Ono, Y.-S. Park, S. C. Phillips, X. Prieto-Mollar, M. Purkey, N. Riedinger, Y. Sanada, J. Sauvage, G. Snyder, R. Susilawati, Y. Takano, E. Tasumi, T. Terada, H. Tomaru, E. Trembath-Reichert, D. T. Wang, Y. Yamada, Exploring deep microbial life in coal-bearing sediment down to ~2.5 km below the ocean floor, Science, Vol. 349, no. 6246, pp. 420-424, DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa6882, 2015 [Link]
Press Releases(JAMSTEC web site)

仠July 28, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Science Educational Foundation of Kochi Prefecture

仠July 24, 2015Publication (Nature Communications)
Keiji Horikawa, Ellen E. Martin, Chandranath Basak, Jonaotaro Onodera, Osamu Seki, Tatsuhiko Sakamoto, Minoru Ikehara, Saburo Sakai & Kimitaka Kawamura, Pliocene cooling enhanced by flow of low-salinity Bering Sea water to the Arctic Ocean, Nature Communications, 6, 7587, doi:10.1038/ncomms8587, 2015 [Link]

仠July 18-19, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Students of Kochi Nishi Senior High school & Kochi Marunouchi Senior High school

仠July 15, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Deputy Director, Research Program Department, JSPS

仠July 14, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor1: Jadge@Global Geoparks Network
Visitor2: Society to protect the sea of Nankoku (Nankoku-shi no Umi wo Mamoru kai)

仠July 9, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Higher education Bureau, MEXT

仠July 1, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Equipment Support Planning Office, Kochi University

仠June 24, 2015Lecture@Asakura Campus
Kochi University Education Program, "The 3rd Tsukai-konasu (to master instruments) Series" is going to be held by Equipment Support Planning Office.
 Title: Instrments Introduction in Center for Advanced Marine Core Research
  -Marine Core Research in Earth Sciences- (in Japanese)
 Presenter: Prof. Masafumi Murayama

仠June 18, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Shikoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry

仠June 10, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: Student at Faculty of Science, Kochi University

仠June 8, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: International Seabed Authority trainee member

仠May 21, 2015KCC Lab Tour
Visitor: International Ichnofabric Workshop member

仠May 1, 2015
Dr. Minoru Ikehara has been promoted to Professor.
Dr. Yuhji Yamamoto has been promoted to Associate Professor. 丂

仠April 27-28, 2015
External Evaluation Committee Meeting on Joint Usage/Research Center was held.

仠April 2, 2015
KUTV, television Kochi, visited to record footage for "Gambare Kochi !! eco ohendan"(April 26 on air).

Previous News
April 2009 - July 2013
April 2008 - March 2009
April 2007 - March 2008
April 2006 - March 2007
April 2003 - March 2006
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